"419" Scam – Fake Lottery Fraud Phone Directory: Switzerland
Many advance fee fraud ("419") spam emails and all advance fee fraud letters contain a telephone number for contacting the sender. In most cases these involve mobile phones, but fixed lines are used too. Here is a small selection by country.
If you have more information about which phone companies operate the networks these numbers belong to or if you can provide us with contact addresses at the phone companies, please contact us so we can alert them to criminal abuse of their networks.
Scam phone numbers in Switzerland (Country code: +41): Mr. Reto Francioni. Private Banking Advisor/Compliance Head. Independent Audit, Governance and Compensation Departments. UBS Swiss Financial Advisers. Fax:+41-(43)-43-02-724 Phone:+41-(44)-586-14-17 indepdtaudit.compensationdptmnt@swissmail.com = (419 scam) Barrister Adam Dann Cell: +44(0)7768893430 Tel: +44 (0) 2033221504 Fax: +44 (0)8718954017 Email: info@crystal-law-solicitors.co.uk http://www.crystal-law-solicitors.co.uk = (419 scam) Network Online Program GLOBAL AWARDS (NOPGA) yearly International Online Promotions Contact person: Dr. David Wood Telephone/Fax number: +41 800 24-1-365 Email: davercohenatty@netcmail.com = (fake lottery scam) General Consulting Switzerland GmbH Auenstrasse 13,8500 Frauenfeld, Switzerland Phone: +41 43 508 59 11 Email: info@gconsultingswitzerlandgmbh.com = (stealing the identity of the real Swiss company for the fake website) = (419 scam) Myles Graham +41275880041. mylesgraham@swissmail.com = (419 scam) Tripeg Royal Avenue 22 Geneve, 2556 Switzerland +41 335333643. support@tripeg.com = (money mule scam) Thomas Kohler Tel: +41 71 5880220 kohlerthomas303@yahoo.com.ph = (unpaid contractor scam) Baker And Brownberg LLP bbrownbergllp@hotmail.com telephone and fax number + 41(44) 586 59 03 = (dead customer scam) First Morgan Capital Group = Switzerland Melville Expressway ll 68 South Service Road Suite 100 Zurich Switzerland Tel: +41 43 5016725 = Peru Francisco De Cuellar 635 Lima, Peru Tel: +51 171 85171 Fax: +51 171 85195 = First Morgan Capital Group info@firstmorgancap.com firstmorgan@gmx.com firstmorgancap@gmail.com www.firstmorgancap.com = (loan scam) Mathew Bruce Investment Manager, UBS Wealth Management Bahnhofstrasse 8001 Zürich Zurich, Switzerland. Dir.Line: +41 (43) 5006559 Fax: +41 (44) 2742027 Email: admin@ubs-wealthmanagementonline.com = (419 scam) MR. ROBERT B. ZOELLICK PRESIDENT THE WORLD BANK GROUP Tel: +41-4350-02147 ( SWITZERLAND ) info@worldanks.com = Mr. Duncan smith, Director Financial Management Department London (FMSD) Tel: +447924003481, Fax:+447043020176, Email: citigroup@itimes.com Email: citigroup1938@live.com Email Address: info@citibankgroupuk.com = (419 scam) Euro Milliones Lottery International euromilliones_payunit@verizon.net = NAME: DR.ALBERT MISSBICHLER SWISS MOBILE SECURITY COMPANY SWITZERLAND. PHONE: +41-31-544-1137 Email: albertmissibichler@verizon.net = (fake lottery scam) Barrister Bill Graham Bahnhof Strasse 67, 8002 Zurich , Switzerland . E-mail:billgrahamesq@gmail.com Tel: + 41 76 718 70 32 Fax: + 41 76 718 70 32 = (dead customer scam) Mr.Henry Blain mr.henryblain@hotmail.com = Mitchel Carrier of Bank UBS AG Switzerland Tel: +41435006577 email: carrier.mitchel@yahoo.com = (419 scam) Brahmsstr.27 8003 Zurich. Telephone: ++ 41 765 460 324 Email : barr.micheal_huber02@yahoo.com Department : Office of Law & Attorney ( Huber & Associates) = from [] via HTTP; Sat, 28 Oct 2006 07:54:26 PDT Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 07:54:26 -0700 (PDT) = (dead customer scam) steve douglas stevedouglas1975@cooltoad.com = BRICONSPRENGER & CO. (Vault House) Geneva Switzerland CONTACT PERSON- David Morgan Tel/Fax:41-445804922 Email info@briconsec.com or service@briconsec.com = (orphan scam) Customer service department Address: 26 CH-8001, Oetenbachgasse, Zurich, Switzerland Telephone number: +4112742636 Department head: Philippe Nerin E-Mail: job@swiss-invest-ltd.cn Offise hours: monday-friday, 10:00-18:00 Vacancy department Address: 26 CH-8001, Oetenbachgasse, Zurich, Switzerland Telephone number: +4112742636 Department head: Sophie Renoul E-Mail: vacancy@swiss-invest-ltd.cn Human resources department Address: 26 CH-8001, Oetenbachgasse, Zurich, Switzerland Telephone number: +4112742636 Department head: Lana Chikhani E-Mail: human@swiss-invest-ltd.cn Brokerage Address: 26 CH-8001, Oetenbachgasse, Zurich, Switzerland Telephone number: +4112742636 Department head: Eric Coutant E-Mail: brokerage@swiss-invest-ltd.cn Operations with debit instruments Address: 26 CH-8001, Oetenbachgasse, Zurich, Switzerland Telephone number: +4112742636 Department head: Hubert Rollo E-Mail: debit@swiss-invest-ltd.cn Depositary Department head: John Denney E-Mail: deposit@swiss-invest-ltd.cn = (Money Agent scam) Mr.Peters Hilair, Valiant Privatbank AG, Postfach 3001 Bern, Switzerland. corporate Tel; +41-44-5804933. corporate Fax; +41-44-5804934. Confidential Tel :+871-763593838. Confidential Fax :+871-763593836. p_hilair2006@excite.com = (dead customer scam) Phillip Button Associate Attorney Morgan & Associates LLP Morgan Associates 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH United Kingdom Tel: +44-20-70601317 Tel/Fax: +44-20-75048293 p.button@morganllp.com = MECURY VAULTS HOLDINGS Neumarkt 4 Sankt Gallen Sankt Gallen 9000 Switzerland Tel/Fax: +41 445804908 Email: info@mecuryvh.com = (fake lottery scam) Phillip Button Associate Attorney Morgan & Associates LLP Morgan Associates 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH United Kingdom Tel: +44-20-70601317 Tel/Fax: +44-20-75048293 p.button@morganllp.com = MECURY VAULTS HOLDINGS Neumarkt 4 Sankt Gallen Sankt Gallen 9000 Switzerland Tel/Fax: +41 445804908 Email: info@mecuryvh.com = (fake lottery scam) SWISS LOTTO GESELLSCHAFT SCHWEIZER ZAHLENLOTTO POSTFACH 4002 BASEL juliekurtis10@msn.com Universal Bank Plc Bahnhofstrasse 45A Zurich Switzerland Tel/Fax No: +41-8-274-29-254 Email: ubplc@myway.com Mrs Grace Amoros Mr Albert Croft Amber wood Promotions Manager : SWISS ONLINE LOTTO BUNDERSTRASSE 33 3324 BERNECK, SWITZERLAND = Barr:James Beckham Payment Agent Swiss Online Lotto EMAIL:james_7031@yahoo.co.uk Trevor Chambers UBS AG in Basel, Centralbahnplatz 6. TREVOR CHAMBERS t_chambers@zwallet.com email: t_chambers@zwallet.com marian muller [mailto:eurolottoaward_2004_005@yahoo.co.uk] Mrs Marian Muller. GLOBAL LOTTORY INTERNATIONAL == Dr Smidt Fischer. Director Operation Swiss Credit Commission Zurich Switzerland. No 8 Manuastrasse Zurich Switzerland. Telephone:+41 786 064 505. Fax :+41 522 5849. Email :smidtcher_sso@yahoo.co.uk