"419" Scam – Fake Lottery Fraud Phone Directory
Many advance fee fraud ("419") spam emails and all advance fee fraud letters contain a telephone number for contacting the sender. In most cases these involve mobile phones, but fixed lines are used too. Here is a small selection by country.
If you have more information about which phone companies operate the networks these numbers belong to or if you can provide us with contact addresses at the phone companies, please contact us so we can alert them to criminal abuse of their networks.
Scam phone numbers in Japan (Country code: +81):
Phone numbers: 03-6316-1958 アマゾンカスタマーセンターに折り返し連絡してしまった際の危険度と詳細情報 Shimokado International Law Office 1-24-7 Rune Gyoen Plaza Suite 312, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan. Tel: (+81) 3 4577 3998 Email: contactus@shimokadolawoffice.jp.net = (abusing the name of a real law office in Tokyo) = (fake job scam) Hiroshi Ozaki. Chairman & Representative Director Osaka Gas Group. Tel: +81-3-4510 1093 info@osakagasgroup.com www.osakagas.co.jp = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) COMPANY NAME: Asahi Remittance Security Finance Co. Ltd WEBSITE: www.arsf-jp.com DEPOSIT NUMBER: 1564 6543 4536 EMAIL ID: info@arsf-jp.com PHONE NUMBER: + 818041796780 = (419 scam) Shun Yutaka President/CEO MINATO-KU PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY, LTD 2-2-19 Nishi-Shinbashi Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0003 Japan TEL: +81-366-884-520 Email: shunyutaka@minato-kupharmaceuticalcoltd.net www.minato-kupharmaceuticalcoltd.net = Minato-Ku Pharmaceutical Company, LTD 2-2-19 Nishi-Shinbashi Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0003 Japan Telephone: +81-366-884-520 Email: contact@minato-kupharmaceuticalcoltd.net = (check fraud / representative scam) Mrs.Maria Nashimoto Japan fund Raise Committee Organisation Secretary 114,Tokyo City-Japan Japan Fund Raise Organisation Postal code number 378-2648 ADDRESS Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, (035-3497), Japan Tele/Fax (Appointment) : +81-3-624-078 . nashimoto1@gmail.com mrs_nashimoto2005@yahoo.com = (phone numbers and postal address details are fake) Dr William Rivers Email To: ccarivers@yahoo.com.hk CCA Kitakyushu 2-6-1 3F Ogura Yahata-Higashi-ku Kitakyushu 805-0059 Japan = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) Onoken co.,ltd 1995-1 Tsurusaki,Oaza, Oita 870-0106, Japan www.onoken.co.jp dmruiz@socal.rr.com = Mr. Ono Ken President and Chief Executive Officer email: onoken19346@yahoo.co.jp Onoken co.,ltd = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) United Asian Trading Company. No 46, Shangnan Twon Mnhou Country Fujian, Japan. Email= yangcho46@yahoo.dk = (check fraud / representative scam) Samsung Electronics 2007 Bonanza SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS GAME HOUSE online_coordinator@mail.stic.net Award Headquarters 12-14 Maihama Tokyo,Japan online_coordinator@mail.stic.net = Contact: Floyd Johnson. Samsung Electronics Bonanza London,United Kingdom. Email: sj_agency@strompost.com Phone No:[+44] (701) 421 4896. Fax No:[+44] (870) 479 1203. = (fake lottery scam) JAPAN EMAIL PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION SECTION, 14 TOSHIKO ROAD,TOKYO JAPAN. = Site: http://www.icbc.com.cn Email: v_vincentnorman@yahoo.com Tel:+86 20 31857755 = (fake lottery scam) Nippon Oil Exploration Limited CONTACT NAME: Shinji Nishio LOCATION: 3-12, Nishi Shimbashi 1-chome,Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0003 Japan EMAIL ADDRESS: infonoex@jmail.co.za = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) Mr Zheng Zhongxun Chairman, Chuo Kagaku Co., Ltd. Careers ... 2-32-8 Minami-Ikebukuro Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-8513 Japan Tel: 81-3-0959-32401 zheng_chuocompany1@yahoo.com.hk = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) HARAGUCHI ARTS AND CRAFTS COMPANY (H.A.C.C) Yoshi Haruko, Marketing Manager of Haraguchi Arts and Crafts = President/CEO, Dr. Matsu Saburo, E-mail: matsu.saburo1@yahoo.de matsusaburo_1@uk2.net = (check fraud / representative scam) Robert Woods Director of Payments United Asian Trading Company. Tel:+81-(50)5532-5187 uatc_tradingcompany1@excite.com andhowyoudoin@charter.net enquiry444@aim.com = (check fraud / representative scam) COMPANY NAME: Nippon Oil Exploration Limited CONTACT NAME: Shinji Nishio LOCATION: 3-12, Nishi Shimbashi 1-chome,Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0003 Japan EMAIL ADDRESS: infonoex@gawab.com BUSINESS TYPE: Manufacturer & Export/Selling PRODUCTS OFFERED: Crude Oil / Raw Material = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) PRECISION MASTECH ENTERPRISES CO. Nakajima Shoji Bldg, 8th Floor 8-5-6 Ginza Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 104-0061 Japan Tel: (81)-906-7170242 Fax: (81)-3-3571-7865 Email;info_precisionmastech@japan.com/ leeyamamoto_0529@lycos.com http://www.premastech.com = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) CONTACT PERSON; DR FRANK JAMES, OFFICIAL WEBSITES OF THE COURIER COMPANY IN LONDON. http://www.foreignfunddiplomatic.net/ Telephone: + 44-7040101893 Fax: +- 44-8701369392 E-mail: info@foreignfunddiplomatic.net = (fake lottery scam) Mr Lee Twang, Hong Kong Export and International Trade Co. Email :mr.lee_twang@yahoo.co.uk Managing Director (HKEIT). 2-1-1493 Mita,Minota-Ku Tokyo 108-0073 Japan. Tel- 813-449-64915. Fax- 0870_479_9473. = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) Mr. Hajime Bada, email: hajimebada_100@yahoo.com.hk = Andrew Brooks. Public Relations Officer, JFE-Steel Corporation 1, Kawasaki-cho, chuo-ku, Chiba 260-0835. Japan. http://www.jfe-steel.co.jp = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) Young Wang Centre for Contemporary Art 2-6-1-3F Ogura Yahata-Higashi-ku,. Kitakyushu 805-0059 ,Japan. Phone +81 93 663 1615 Fax + 81 93 663 1610 Email:youngwangccajapan1@yahoo.com.cn http://www.cca-kitakyushu.org/ = (check fraud / representative scam) Charles Fleming Co Ltd Sanno Park Bldg, 2-11-1 Nagata-Cho, Chiyoda Ku, Tokyo 100-6172 Japan. www.charlesfleming.net. = ("boiler room" scam) Japan Sun Oil Company, Ltd. Trusty Kojimachi Bldg. 3-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 102-0083 Japan. www.sunoco.co.jp/english/about/index.html Email: info_sunocorep@yahoo.co.jp info_sunocorep@yahoo.co.jp sunocoltd@mynet.com = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) CHUO KAGAKU COMPANY LIMITED Mr Koji Watanabe Chairman, Chuo Kagaku Co., Ltd. Careers ... 2-32-8 Minami-Ikebukuro Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-8513 Japan Tel: 81-3-0959-3090 chuokagaku@chuoksrepresentative.com chuokagakulimited1@yahoo.com.hk = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) TOYOTA INTERNATIONAL LOTTO (HEADQUATER) Customer Service Department Affiliate of Toyota Japan . #28 Kanashiwa road Tokyo JP = SATO ASUKA EMAIL: claimingjapan@excite.com or asuka@emaillotto.org TOYOTA CLAIMING SECURITY AGENCY TEL +81 80 66118042 = (fake lottery scam) Yen Takashi Shengai (CEO) Centre for Contemporary Art, 2-6-1 3F Ogura Yahata-Higashi-ku,. Kitakyushu 805-0059 ,Japan. Phone +(847)2410 9230 Fax + (847)2410 9230 Email: yentakashi@ccajapan.net Website:http://www.cca-kitakyushu.org/ cca_takashi@lycos.co.uk yentakashi@ccajapan.net = IP in ng ITOCHU ARTS AND CRATFS COMPANY INCORPORATED. Creative Design for Import / Export AT Bldg. 9F,1-18-9 Nihonbashi-Ningyocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo,103-0013, JAPAN. hashi_ituko@gmail.cn pre_iacci_arts1@gmail.cn = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) Dr.Nakata Suzuki. PRESIDENT. LUMBIUM OIL AND GAS PRODUCT 22-22, Nagaike-cho,Abeno-ku,Osaka 545-8522 JAPAN. Phone, 81-6-6621-1221/Fax, 81-6117-725300 Email:lumbiumtrading_group@yahoo.com.hk = (check fraud / representative scam) Kishida Chemicals Ltd. Main town bridge of the Osaka city Chuo Ku 1st 22 Osaka Japan Tel/Fax: +81-344964662 Email:kishidachemicalsltdjp@yahoo.com.hk Mr Masumi Kishida, CEO for Kishida Chemicals Ltd kishidachemicalsltdjp@yahoo.com.hk = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) Wataru Hiraishi Director Azuma Tsusho Co.,Ltd 2-13-3 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061 JAPAN = WATARU HIRAISHI C E O, AZUMA TSUCHO CO LTD. JAPAN. E-MAIL. mrwataruhiraishi01@yahoo.com.cn = (check fraud / representative scam abusing name of legitimate company) Sue Kobayashi International Promotions Manager TAKARAKUJI JUMBO DRAWS, TOKYO, JAPAN 4-9 Hirakawa-cho, 2-chome Chiyoda-ku 102 Tokyo JAPAN. www.takarakuji.nippon-net.ne.jp = (the real Japanese Takarakuji lottery does *not* notify winners by email; you can't win unless you bought a lottery ticket in Japan) Mr. Natasha Shinomori, Sales & Marketing Director, Japan Drilling Company. Japan Drilling Company, Shinko Building10-26, Wakinohamacho 2-chome Chuo-ku, Kobe Hyogo 651-8585 Japan. www.jdc.com jdc_consultant@mail2japan.com = (check fraud / representative scam) (the real company has no connection to the scam) yaofang_lee3@yahoo.com.cn CHUGAI PHARMACEUTICAL CO.LTD in Japan Mr,Yao Fang Lee, Managing Director. = (check fraud / representative scam) (the real company has no connection to the scam) Mr.Frednand Billy Attn : Mr An Suk Joung VICE PRESIDENT, P & T INTERNATIONAL GROUP, TOKYO, JAPAN. Email: pandtgroup_investment@yahoo.com johnpinc007329@etn.org ITOCHU Corporation 5-1, Kita-Aoyama 2-chome Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8077, Japan Web: www.itochu.co.jp/main/coy/coy_1e.html. email:mr_eizo_kobayashi1@yahoo.com.hk = (check fraud / representative scam) Young Wang Centre for Contemporary Art 2-6-1 3F Ogura Yahata-Higashi-ku,. Kitakyushu 805-0059 ,Japan. Phone +81 93 663 1615 Fax + 81 93 663 1610 Email:ccajapan@yahoo.com http://www.cca-kitakyushu.org/ Mr .Young Wang (ccajapan@yahoo.com) = (check fraud / representative scam) Yen Takashi Centre for Contemporary Art 2-6-1 3F Ogura Yahata-Higashi-ku,. Kitakyushu 805-0059 ,Japan. Phone +81 93 663 1615 Fax + 81 93 663 1610 chuyeng102@yahoo.com.hk = (check fraud / representative scam) Yen Takashi Centre for Contemporary Art 2-6-1 3F Ogura Yahata-Higashi-ku,. Kitakyushu 805-0059 ,Japan. Phone +81 93 663 1615 Fax + 81 93 663 1610 chuyeng102@yahoo.com.hk = (check fraud / representative scam) david laoxu